Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Characterization: Beth

Beth, my sister, and newly found best friend is just below five-six, though her attitude and personality make her seem much bigger. Her hair is light brown with streaks of copper, a natural cause, Beth's hair matches her eyes flawlessly, which are a light green, brown color. Beth is dedicated to her art, school, and of course family, she succeeds in everything she works for. Beth doesn't want to be the most popular girl in school, but she also doesn't want to be kicked out of groups or away from her friends, so what she has done is make herself individual and amazing.

My best friend has been drawing for ever, I think a few of you have seen her work. While in school Beth is always with friends, but at home she has a chance to think and be alone, i think she enjoys this just as much as being with friends. With that said she is definitely an ambivert. I would be in a sad place without my best friend, she has been in my life forever and its going to stay that way forever.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Bloody Memories

The story I've chosen to tell is dramatic and kinda sad. Unfortunately i can't remember happy child hood memories as much as the bad ones. I was three years old and lived in Tenino. "I wanna climb higher!" I yelled, i was at the stand stone quarry. It's a bunch of gigantic blocks of stone stacked in the back of a park in Tenino.
"You can't go any higher," Lin my neighbor said.
"Then we are going under!!!" Yelled my older sister Lily. She lead Beth and I to a break between two blocks, we could get inside and pretend it was a cave!!!
Something I haven't mentioned is that the quarry was a teen hang out, and they didn't think it was cool to throw things away. And when you throw glass into bricks in makes a cool noise.
Lily lead the way and then followed Beth, when it was my turn i got on my hands and knees and prespared to crawl under. With my first step my hand landed on a broken bottle. "AHHHHHH!!! IT HURTS!!!" I screamed. Lin rushed to me and carried me across the street to my house. She explained what had happened to my mom, and she got out the needle.
We used to use needles to get glass and dirt out of deep wounds, and this was a deep wound. After much pain and crying my Mommy fixed me all up and sent me on to play. Sorry for a gross story but it's my favorite one to tell, and if you ask me in class I'll show you the big scarre.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Invisible Man

The dominant literary element in the Invisible Man , by Ralph Ellison, is imagery. The author did this to brighten his book with great visions. Also since the protagonists image is kept mostly hiden from the reader, the author wants to make every other part of the story vivid and colorful. All this makes for a very enjoyable read.

Ralph Ellison isn't constantly using imagery though. It's mainly at the beginning of a chapter. This sets the mood and the sciene for most of the chapter. Ellison also uses fantastic imagery to discribe a character, for some character Ellison uses whole pages to create an image of someone. Without imagery this book would be dull, and seem to drone on and on, but since this is not the case The Invisible Man in interesting, and exciting.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Out Side Reading

I'm reading Ralph Ellison's "The Invisible Man." At first the book captured me, but in the pas three chapters he has been reflecting on past events. I know it's going to lead to something good, but it isnt exactly fun or interesting. If this was'nt for school i would most likely still be reading this, I like long books, and i love the thought of invisiblity.
So far the dominant element is imagery. At first i thought it was because he was invisible, but now im so confused i don't know. The images I see are dark and cold, except for a few moments when he is truly happy. It's a depressing book, but has interesting concepts, and characters.
My best guess for why Ralph Ellison is using imagery is because he wants the readers of his book to see how horrible racism was, even after slavery. There is a whole chapter of black men fighting eachother, blindfolded for money. Either way i hope the great sciences continue, i enjoying myself. This world seems more peaceful in the past.
For the first chapter the protagonist seemed happy. But then he almost became a robot, conforming to the the white man wants. It seems like torture to keep your emotions and thoughts to your self for so many years.